Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What do I know of Holy?

Currently listening to : Simon and Garfunkel - A hazy shade of Winter

Today I filled out my application for the missions trip to Puerto Rico. It is now just a matter of raising the funds.
I'm excited about this. The only problem is when I get excited to travel somewhere I have trouble focusing on everything else.

I realized something tonight while I was driving home from work.
When I loose sight of Christ for even a second my life seems so grim. I start to get frustrated with so much. With my how I work all the time yet have absolutely no money. How my gymnasts will randomly decide to not listen to me for no reason. How I was so close with some people at this time last year and now I never talk to them. (one person in particular makes it hurt the most)
I know that loosing some relationships was a long time coming, but one I never saw coming. I'm still not sure if it is over or if we are just to busy. All it took to snap me out of this self pitying place was changing the radio station. I put it on something God glorifying and was immediately excited about what God was doing in my life and really I became happy with who he simply was.
Just keeping my focus brought me peace and helped me to realize really how in control He is.

Well I'm not sure what else to say other than stating how excited I am for Christmas. :]

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