Saturday, August 29, 2009

Confessions of a Facebook stalker

I've got a crazy idea.
I think that more people my age need to stop using facebook or myspace. It seems to only create drama and frustrate people.
The other night I was talking to this beautiful girl I know and we both realized that facebook just seems to make us depressed. We look at other peoples posts and get frustrated. I think it is because people either go all emo on their statuses and such or they only show the best parts of what they do and they almost put on a front. This makes people looking at their photos and envy them and wish we had such exciting lives. I really think that Facebook and Myspace cause more problems then good.

I love this quote from the movie "He's just not that into you"

Mary: I had this guy leave me a voicemail at work, so I called him at home, and then he emailed me to my BlackBerry, and so I texted to his cell, and now you just have to go around checking all these different portals just to get rejected by seven different technologies.
Mary: It's exhausting.

^^ It's SO true, and it is exhausting. and having the ability to basically stalk this person is ridiculous.

It is really turning into an addiction.

I am just begining to worry about the future generations. I worry about things in America falling apart because everyone becomes too distracted by social networking.
Youth no longer seem to know how to prioritize at all. I took an Art Design class at my college and when we started using the macs the guy next to me was on facebook more than he was actually working on hie assignment. This guy was a real piece of work.

I do have a facebook and a myspace. I seldom check my myspace and I am seriously considering deleting it. I often take Facebook fasts, where I delete my facebook for a set amount of time. It is such a freeing feeling. I am trying to check my Facebook less and less. It feels great to do better things with my time. :]

It's just a crazy thought, but I think it would make people much happier.

Let's do the time warp again!

Today I was talking with my family and we put together a sort of mental list of all the famous dances that I should learn. I am the sort of person who would randomly break out in the most outrageous dance ever.
The list consisted of things like "The Time Warp" dance from Rocky Horror Picture show (I already sort of know this dance, me dancing it today was what sparked this conversation)
The dance that Audry Hepburn does in the movie Funny Face,
Wow, I know there were others but they have slipped my mind entirely.
My dad is convinced I should learn the Pee-Wee Herman dance. I think that is ridiculous.
My family can be so ridiculous! It's so funny.

I have so much fun with them. I can't wait for the family to grow. I can't wait for my sister to get marries and have babies. My sister in Law is also prego again. :]
I just love how much fun we have.
My brother and I played basketball for a while today with some of the neighbor kids. I was reminded how horrible I am at dribbling and that even though I love the game, it is a good thing I am done playing.
Then I went over to my brothers house to sit on the kitchen floor and eat animal crackers, and then cuddle on the couch to stay warm and watch a movie. Knocked Up would be a much better movie if they didn't swear so incredibly much. Oh and if the nasty scenes were limited, esp. the delivery room scene! AHH my eyes!!!!

It's 1:44 and I really shouldn't be awake. I'm leaving today right after church to go visit my sister and then from there going to Northern Wisconsin for a pig roast with even more AMAZING family. It's looking to be a great time. I think the reason I am still awake is because I got home at mid-night and found a note my mom left me saying that I was going to visit my sister this week. I realized how much I had to get in order so I severely stressed myself out. I realized that I still have things to get in order for the fair and the fair starts the week after I get back. Not to mention I start working again.
I think I have everything packed and ready to go though.I suppose I should get to bed.

Monday, August 24, 2009

the buffet connection

I always thought food was the means by which all people came together. You could know someone on an entirely superficial level for a long time but as soon as you talk about food, or even go to eat together your friendship would move to the next level.
I am now learning that there are so many level on which you can connect with people on.
There is the topic of movies and T.V. shows. In case you have never tried to connect with someone on this level or seen it done here is what it consists of. First someone mentions a Tv show, then they go on to quote a line, then comes the defining moment of the friendship. If the other person can successfully deliver the next line of the quote of deliver an even funnier quote then the connection is a success. If the second person doesnt know the show or movie and can not quickly mention another movie or show that the first person approves of then all is eternally lost.

Then there is the topic of music. This one speaks volumes about you.There are so many different levels when it comes to music. Some people are down right fanatics, and some don't care much at all. When connecting over music It is all about finding someone who either loves music to the same level as you or finding someone who can pretend to like music to the same extent.
This is so very tricky.
The beginning stages of connecting on this level looks like this.
Person A: OMGSH I love music. It is my favorite. I listen ALLLLL the time.
Person B: (either agrees on loving music that much, or breaks the news that they just don't love it as much, lets assume they love it)
"I know what you mean, I love music too. I have like a billion songs on my iTunes and I love when people suggest new stuff for me to listen to. Im also learning an instrument now too so I can produce music because I love it so much."

Person A: "So what kind of music do you listen to?"

Person B: Like everything.. (then they go on to name some bands. THe true music lover will start with the good classic bands that will always be classics)
And then I like some indie stuff and just whatever fits the mood im feeling"

Person A: "No way I love those classic bands too. So good. They are what helped me realize my love for music....."

etc. etc. etc.

And it's a match!! :P

It is not so pleasant when a music lover meets a not so avid music goer.
The conversation is much shorter and not as pleasing.
It ends after one person professes their love for music and the other says "of yeah music is pretty good, I like some stuff but im not like a hard core music person." Then things get weird and the two people must quickly find something else to agree on before the possible friendship slips on into oblivion.

Then people connect on books, or sports and hobbies.
Books will probably always be a good thing to connect on, because no matter what sort of books you love, you can always respect other book lovers. You just can't help it.

I myself wish more people chose to connect on the food level. I Love food. I love talking about it and eating it, and things get even more interesting when you start talking about drinks too. It is so great. Why else do we always meet up with people for lunch and coffee? Well "DUH", because people have to eat and people love to eat. Concerts and movies are great, but at the end of the night you realize that you hardly talked or even saw each other for that matter. Seems risky if you are truly hoping to develop any sort of relationship.

I blame the media for the lack of connections that are centered around foods these days. The media makes such a big deal about obesity and eating the wrong foods and what not that people are afraid to eat, especially in front of other people.
I believe we need to get over this. We need to eat, drink and be merry...Together!!

"Food is our common ground, a universal experience."
-James Beard-

Friday, August 21, 2009

As our Father walks with us

I wrote this in January of 2008. Every now and again I come across it in a notebook of mine and It always speaks to me in a great way.

"God is like a father who is walking outside with a young child who is just learning to walk.

When the child does well, the Father is happy and showers the child with encouragement.

If the child should fall, the Father picks up the child, dusts him off, and offers the child encouragement to once again continue walking.

He does not grow tired of walking with us, we need not lose heart.
He is always there with His arm out stretched ready to catch us.

This is so encouraging to me. I realize how often I fall and feel like I fail. It helps to know that God is that Father who will just pick me up and dust me off and then continue to help me walk. :]

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm not even sure what to say. I have had so many crazy thoughts running trough my mind. I can;t even begin to connect all the loose ends enough to write about them.
I realized today that I am going to have a really hard time homeschooling this semester. I'm seriously thinking about seeing if Waubonsee offers the opportunity to take the test for your G.E.D.
I think that may prove to be so much easier, but when does my family ever do things the easy way.
I got some new music to learn on my mandolin. I got the music from Amber. It is violin music but it should do the trick, and she and I hope to play it together once it is learned.
I am feeling rather good today about things. I think this comes from watching Monty Python. I watched just enough of it last night to refresh me. HA!
It seems absurd to think that Monty Python excites me that much.

I was watching the Travel Channel today and I have the travel bug real bad right now. I want to work for the Travel channel. Well maybe some day I will be able to. :]

Well I'm home alone now so I think I may go do something. I'm not sure what. Maybe I will show my blender some love, and read a book also or something.
Who knows.............

Monday, August 17, 2009

Everyone keeps saying that summer is over. I can't believe it. It can't be so.
This has been one of the busiest and craziest summers I can remember ever having.
This has been a summer of firsts and lasts, heartache and complete bliss.
I started out the summer with a trip to Ireland. I got close with some new friends, reconnected with some, and also drifted from others. I wish I could say that I have learned who I can trust but this summer has done nothing to help with that.

I know who I can count on to drop all in a second to help me, and who I can count on to forgive me when I do something incredibly dumb.

I got my first ticket this summer. It wasn't a speeding ticket or anything of the sort. I wish I had some awesome story to go with it, but as is usually the case with me it is a really bizarre story that is hard to believe. I got a $50 ticket for hiking at a forest preserve after it closed. I got there when it was still open (before dusk) but back tracking to get back to my car is a long task. The officer was sad to give me the ticket and apologized a number of times, but the damage was still done.

I also had some great bonding time with my cousin in July. We went Kayaking one morning. I got to drive my uncles truck. It was pretty great. My cousin and I also went 4-wheeling twice. I love her so much. She is one of the funniest people I know. I love her sense of humor, it is really something else entirely.

Dollar burger night will live on as one of the highlights of my week. There is just something magical about the night.
I always manage to be surounded by people I love when I am there. Andy and Tehra and the babies will randomly show up, or I have taken Ania, and Chloe. Anthony, thomas and some of their nephews even went along with Amber and I one night. That was a crazy, crazy time though.

I realized the true meaning of being an amazon. I can lift and move things that are insanely heavy. Im not sure when or how I became so strong. Im very impressed with myself. (if I can say that without sounding pompous)

I also played softball a few times for Cyrus ministries. Talk about stepping out of your comfort zone. There was this one time I was batting and I hit the ball and it was pretty great, and Aaron batted after me and between the two of us we got an RBI. HOORAY! Twin power right there.

Probably one of the greatest memories of my summer was camping out with Amber on her trampolin on a night of a meteor shower. We didn't realize it was a meteor shower so we thought we were extra lucky for seeing a billion shooting stars.

I have had some pretty great times with my guy friends too. Shout out goes to Josh Boyd for teaching me the robot, and for teaching Amy and I alittle bit of choreography for a dance.

I also had alot of great times hanging out with Ryan. He is such a great friend. Im not sure what things would be like without his friendship.

I also had some fun times with Anthony and Thomas.

I also had many great experiences getting slurpies at 7-11.
Even though Chloe and I almost died after getting slurpies the one day.

Bon-fire with Ania. I will never forget her Beyonce music video shorts.

I managed to work only 4 hours a week. I told them I could work whenever, expecting to get alot of hours but due to low enrollment I ended up having only 4 hours a week. Pretty awful.

I can't even believe how big the babies are all getting. I can't help but talk about them without sounding like some baby hungry girl (Which I am definitely not).
They are so big, and now there is a 4th on the way. I can't even believe it. Those children bring me more joy then anyone could even imagine. I love when they play the mandolin or that retarded tin whistle that Ania couldn't figure what possessed me to buy it while we were in Ireland.
I love when the babies play them. It is so cute.

Lat night was a really bitter-sweet night for me. I met up with Chloe for dinner so that I could see her before she moves to the city for school. Naturally it was a great time, yet it was sad to think that we won't see each other as much in the very near future.

It has really been a great summer. I can't even try to recap all of the memories.
I'm not expecting the great times to end once summer does though.

I still have another year till I leave for school and I can't wait to see what happens between now and then.

well, I leave tomorrow to go help my sister move to a new apartment. Looks to be a long day of driving and carrying things.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Only in a Coffey House

I found this quote and totally thought of my family. My mom and I in particular.

"Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water."-W. C. Fields-

A few weeks ago I had a tummy ache so my mom and I thought that some wine may help it feel better. (it certainly couldn't hurt)

When I tried getting the cork out of the bottle I ran in to some difficulty. (It's at moments like this that a man in my life would be helpful, yet it would make for less great stories)

I asked my mom to help me. She had trouble getting it out to. Sh then put the bottle between her feet and tried pulling up with the cork screw. I saw that this wouldn't do, so in an attempt to seem useful I offered to sit on the floor and hold the bottle while she pulled up on the cork screw.

After a little while of this I started to laugh. "What have we come to?!?!" I said.

I couldn't believe what it had come to. What measures we took to open a bottle of wine.

I hope you are able to picture this.

I did get the cork out just moments later by using a different and incredibly simple method.