Monday, August 24, 2009

the buffet connection

I always thought food was the means by which all people came together. You could know someone on an entirely superficial level for a long time but as soon as you talk about food, or even go to eat together your friendship would move to the next level.
I am now learning that there are so many level on which you can connect with people on.
There is the topic of movies and T.V. shows. In case you have never tried to connect with someone on this level or seen it done here is what it consists of. First someone mentions a Tv show, then they go on to quote a line, then comes the defining moment of the friendship. If the other person can successfully deliver the next line of the quote of deliver an even funnier quote then the connection is a success. If the second person doesnt know the show or movie and can not quickly mention another movie or show that the first person approves of then all is eternally lost.

Then there is the topic of music. This one speaks volumes about you.There are so many different levels when it comes to music. Some people are down right fanatics, and some don't care much at all. When connecting over music It is all about finding someone who either loves music to the same level as you or finding someone who can pretend to like music to the same extent.
This is so very tricky.
The beginning stages of connecting on this level looks like this.
Person A: OMGSH I love music. It is my favorite. I listen ALLLLL the time.
Person B: (either agrees on loving music that much, or breaks the news that they just don't love it as much, lets assume they love it)
"I know what you mean, I love music too. I have like a billion songs on my iTunes and I love when people suggest new stuff for me to listen to. Im also learning an instrument now too so I can produce music because I love it so much."

Person A: "So what kind of music do you listen to?"

Person B: Like everything.. (then they go on to name some bands. THe true music lover will start with the good classic bands that will always be classics)
And then I like some indie stuff and just whatever fits the mood im feeling"

Person A: "No way I love those classic bands too. So good. They are what helped me realize my love for music....."

etc. etc. etc.

And it's a match!! :P

It is not so pleasant when a music lover meets a not so avid music goer.
The conversation is much shorter and not as pleasing.
It ends after one person professes their love for music and the other says "of yeah music is pretty good, I like some stuff but im not like a hard core music person." Then things get weird and the two people must quickly find something else to agree on before the possible friendship slips on into oblivion.

Then people connect on books, or sports and hobbies.
Books will probably always be a good thing to connect on, because no matter what sort of books you love, you can always respect other book lovers. You just can't help it.

I myself wish more people chose to connect on the food level. I Love food. I love talking about it and eating it, and things get even more interesting when you start talking about drinks too. It is so great. Why else do we always meet up with people for lunch and coffee? Well "DUH", because people have to eat and people love to eat. Concerts and movies are great, but at the end of the night you realize that you hardly talked or even saw each other for that matter. Seems risky if you are truly hoping to develop any sort of relationship.

I blame the media for the lack of connections that are centered around foods these days. The media makes such a big deal about obesity and eating the wrong foods and what not that people are afraid to eat, especially in front of other people.
I believe we need to get over this. We need to eat, drink and be merry...Together!!

"Food is our common ground, a universal experience."
-James Beard-

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