Saturday, August 29, 2009

Let's do the time warp again!

Today I was talking with my family and we put together a sort of mental list of all the famous dances that I should learn. I am the sort of person who would randomly break out in the most outrageous dance ever.
The list consisted of things like "The Time Warp" dance from Rocky Horror Picture show (I already sort of know this dance, me dancing it today was what sparked this conversation)
The dance that Audry Hepburn does in the movie Funny Face,
Wow, I know there were others but they have slipped my mind entirely.
My dad is convinced I should learn the Pee-Wee Herman dance. I think that is ridiculous.
My family can be so ridiculous! It's so funny.

I have so much fun with them. I can't wait for the family to grow. I can't wait for my sister to get marries and have babies. My sister in Law is also prego again. :]
I just love how much fun we have.
My brother and I played basketball for a while today with some of the neighbor kids. I was reminded how horrible I am at dribbling and that even though I love the game, it is a good thing I am done playing.
Then I went over to my brothers house to sit on the kitchen floor and eat animal crackers, and then cuddle on the couch to stay warm and watch a movie. Knocked Up would be a much better movie if they didn't swear so incredibly much. Oh and if the nasty scenes were limited, esp. the delivery room scene! AHH my eyes!!!!

It's 1:44 and I really shouldn't be awake. I'm leaving today right after church to go visit my sister and then from there going to Northern Wisconsin for a pig roast with even more AMAZING family. It's looking to be a great time. I think the reason I am still awake is because I got home at mid-night and found a note my mom left me saying that I was going to visit my sister this week. I realized how much I had to get in order so I severely stressed myself out. I realized that I still have things to get in order for the fair and the fair starts the week after I get back. Not to mention I start working again.
I think I have everything packed and ready to go though.I suppose I should get to bed.

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