Thursday, August 13, 2009

Only in a Coffey House

I found this quote and totally thought of my family. My mom and I in particular.

"Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water."-W. C. Fields-

A few weeks ago I had a tummy ache so my mom and I thought that some wine may help it feel better. (it certainly couldn't hurt)

When I tried getting the cork out of the bottle I ran in to some difficulty. (It's at moments like this that a man in my life would be helpful, yet it would make for less great stories)

I asked my mom to help me. She had trouble getting it out to. Sh then put the bottle between her feet and tried pulling up with the cork screw. I saw that this wouldn't do, so in an attempt to seem useful I offered to sit on the floor and hold the bottle while she pulled up on the cork screw.

After a little while of this I started to laugh. "What have we come to?!?!" I said.

I couldn't believe what it had come to. What measures we took to open a bottle of wine.

I hope you are able to picture this.

I did get the cork out just moments later by using a different and incredibly simple method.

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