Sunday, December 13, 2009

I am the gypsy rover..

If this is not the cutest thing ever, I'm not sure what is

Lilly was laying on my bed today drawing. :]

Lilly is so cute. She has great taste. She likes Celtic and Irish music. Today she and I were listening to Bluegrass. One time in the car a Simon and Garfunkle song came on and she informed me that it was her favorite song. This girl has great taste.

Today I was playing some Christmas songs on my mandolin. After hearing "Oh Come oh come Emmanuel", my dad said he thought the song may have been written just for the mandolin. It sounds beautiful.

I'm trying to finish up an ink piece which is part of a two piece project I started for my sister back around Easter. It will be finished by Christmas.

Other news:
I found out today that there are gypsies in Hinckley. Yes, gypsies. They are breaking into and robbing houses. Weird. You would think they would be easy to pinpoint in a town this small.
I can only think about a video we watched at Vineyard Cafe a few weeks ago. In the video they showed a whole Gypsy community in which missionaries had come in and God had totally impacted these gypsies lives. God moved them to the point that these people who are the poorest of poor took up an offering to help "poor" people.
God does incredible things.

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