Saturday, January 2, 2010

Did you remark on the blue moon!?

Currently listening to: Queen followed by A Fine Frenzy

Happy 2010!!!!!
Happy new years.
My new years was random as usual.
I hoped to go to the city with my sister, but things came up the day before which stopped those plans. I then talked about going to Wisconsin with my sister for a few days. I though it would be fun to see Kim. The only problem with that is that I would have had to spend New Years Eve and part of the next day by myself in our empty lake house.
My friend Anthony and I came to the conclusion that he and Nathan should come over to my house for a little while before his families New Years celebration.
MY sister also really wanted to meet Anthony and Nathan. It ended up taking them quite a while to leave their house in We-Go. I finally got a text from Nathan saying that he, Anthony, and Thomas were on their way.
They didn't make it to my house until after we ate dinner. My sister then left for Wisconsin after meeting them.
The 4 of us talked for a little while (they ate our left overs from dinner).
I was planning on going to my brothers house to employ my New years.
That was my plan up until I got texts from Tehra telling me that the babies were grumpy. SO my evening looked to be dim. I just envisioned myself sitting at home alone all night. Ba-hum-bug!
When it was time for the boys to leave my house they asked what my plans were for the night, then proceeded to invite me to go with them. I was really worried about being the "random girl" who shows up at a family party. They insured me that I wasn't random so it was ok.
SO I went.

I spent the night playing games with the small group assembled there. I caught up with Nathan who I hadn't seen in over a year, and I got attacked by Anthony's niece Molly who decided I was her new best friend. She would jump on my lap and start messing with my hair, or grab my hand and pull me around the house.
Once mid-night hit, we popped the champagne and toasted. By then everyone else had disappeared and we were left to a kitchen full of dirty dishes, empty containers that had held our dinner, and a huge variety of alcohol.

Before you think we got terribly drunk out of our minds and acted like a bunch of uncouth youth, I can assure you that did not happen. We sat around the table talking and eating Nachos while Thomas and Anthony drank Bailey's out of a clay shoe (they are no Irishmen but they didn't get drunk in the least).

Then we trekked out to the freezing car. Nathan insisted on driving me home because he had drank the least of all the boys. I was very grateful that he drove. Don't tell Anthony that though. Then I got dropped off : Thomas ran in because he remembered he had forgot his robe at my house earlier ( he is so regal, he wears robes), then they drove off and I dragged myself to my freezing bed.

I still don't know what to think of the night as a whole. In fact I don't know what to think of basically everything these days. It was a great night, and I enjoyed the company immensely. Maybe I should work on making friends that are girls again.....NOT!! haha
I have the best girlfriends in the world. I couldn't ask for anything better.

well Im going to go make apple cobbler. Later Days

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