Monday, January 18, 2010

Just call me 4-eyes!

Well tomorrow is my first day of school since May. Oh man. I'm not sure if I am nervous or not, I mean it's not like i have never been to school here. I just have human bio, and bio lab tomorrow. I have never had a lab before not to mention I don't really know where my class is. I have never taken classes on this side of campus. HA!
Well it should be interesting. I need to go to bed. I just finished mounting the ink violin piece for Julia, come tomorrow I will not have to deal with those pieces any longer.
I had an eye app today. Guess who will have glasses in a week? you prob guessed right. (if you guessed me then yes you are right)
They are mostly for reading and watching tv and such. I am far sighted and have a slight astigmatism. I picked out some pretty cool black framed glasses and I'm thinking it should be an ok time. :]


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