Wednesday, February 3, 2010

19 days

Listening to :Fiddler on the roof - If I were a rich man. (hehe)

We leave in 19 days for Puerto Rico. Woo! It doesn't really seem real. I am so excited. I can't wait to see what God is going to do there. :]
When I think about it I feel almost like it is more God blessing me rather than Him using me to bless people.
I love to love people so I can't wait to go do that for a week. :]


You want me to go where, Lord?
Puerto Rico?
You mean leave here in the winter and go there were it is hot?
Are you sure?

This doesn't quite seem fair. I suppose I will go there and suffer for you.



LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!!!! AND YOU! AND GOD! AND PUERTO RICO!! haa im WAYYY to excited about this :)


p.s. i pulled out my old espanol notes today, gunna start brushing up on it so i speak it fluently by the time we leave...(;