Thursday, May 27, 2010

5-27-2009 In Ireland


Today was pretty uneventful. We got up at 10:30 to nasty weather. This put an end to our days plans. We instead stayed around Allihies and went on walks. We took time to stop and admire the some cute cows and also walk up the road and see the adorable sheepies. The sheep are the cutest thing ever. I LOVE THEM!! We all then went to the Pub and I drank tea and ate pasta. There is something about sitting at the Pub that I love, I’m not sure what it is. Today Ania called about horse back riding and when the lady asked about our height and weight she told Ania that I must be like an insect. Thanks…I guess. Ha

Ania and I went to the playground next to the house and played on the equipment. You know how on equipment at playgrounds there is always graffiti that some kid though would be BA to write? Well the stuff on the playground here was ridiculous. They have moved past writing swear words and calling people names but rather to drawing male anatomy. I took pics of the graffiti but accidentally deleted it off my camera. I don’t think I would have shared it anyhow. (Once you get to know the locals there it will be less shocking to you though.

They come into the story later.) Like I said in the beginning it was a chill day. In fact the whole trip was chill. We went and immersed rather than playin the part of a tourist. If you are looking for crazy excitement you may not find it here. Or maybe you will.

*Tomorrow’s plan is to go to Killarney and Killorglin.

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