Friday, September 24, 2010

never under-estimate the power of a yellow dress

SO here is an update. I know I have been a bit vague the last few days but now I have more time and possibly desire to fill you in. On wed I had my interview at Hastings Books. There were 3 of us girls being interviewed. It was alot of fun. We laughed and joked, and it honestly didn't feel like an interview. After the interview the other two left and I was browsing through the books, when one of the managers found me and started asking more questions. He told me that I had really stood out to him and the other manager (Kristy) and he pretty much told me I had gotten the barista position. He said he would probably be calling in the next few days to get me in for my drug test. Then he left and came back a few minutes later to ask me a few more questions and ultimately asked me if I would be wiling to take a drug test today. I had nothing to hide so yeah I said I would. I signed a few papers and they sent me off to pee in a cup. I had to have brenda pick me up and take me because the road the place was on has a speed limit of like 55 and Baby doesn't like going over 50mph. SO As I am sitting outside waiting for Brenda this girl at the table next to me starts talking to me. Then brenda and I headed to the primary health clinic. I got there, filled out the random paperwork and waited for my name to get called. Last thing I expected was to have my name called by a guy with an African accent. When he called my name I thought he was talking to someone else. I went back and he gave me my cup and walked me through the whole "you have to fill it above this line, and keep it below this line. The closer you can get it to this line the better." I had chugged down 2 mugs of tea before leaving for the interview so at this point I was ready to go. I was like "It's my time to shine!"
I found out the African guy was from Kenya. We got to talking and It turns out he went to the same school my dad and mom went to in the town I was born in. He almost sent me out of there with someone elses papers, luckily I caught it so we I could get my papers. He starting joking that at this rate I will be there when my results are ready. HA!
SO then after that the day got less exciting.

Yesterday Pete and I hung out. Pretty much we biked around and he filled out job apps to every place we went by. We stopped and got frozen yogurt and it made me miss Han and Amber really bad. I think that may be one of the first times I have ever had frozen yogurt without them. Then we went next store to the Five Guys so Pete could fill out an app. THen we decided to eat while we were there taking in the glorious greasy aroma. When I got to the register to order the two guys there remembered me by name. I was like "OMGSH HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!"
I couldn't believe they remembered me from the interview. While we were there I saw like 3 ppl come in and drop off apps or pick some up. None of them got an on the spot interview. I love those guys there, they are so much fun. Part of me wants to work there just to hang out with them. ha
I think I will settle with having lunch there once a week or something.
After stopping at a few more places I headed home. It took forever for me to bike home. SO many roads had bike lanes that disappeared, or sidewalks that just ended abruptly into a dirt pit. I was so tired by the time I got home.

As far as today goes I haven't been doing much too interesting. Brenda's mom came home today. It is good that she is back.
I called Hastings to make sure they got my drug screen results, esp after the mix up with the papers and what not. She officially offered me the barista job at $8 an hour. Super exciting! I go sign all my papers today at 1:30.
Then I go up to my room to check my email. (I am trying to coordinate a way to get a ride to the mission medics camping trip this weekend.)
Turns out the Kenya guy found me on facebook and sent me a message. (insert jaw-drop here) haha
SO I now have a barista job, Friends at Five Guys, and a camping trip this weekend. I would say my cup is half full!

All of this because I spent 20 dollars I didn't have on a yellow dress tha ti wore to an interview. ;)



the yellow dress! i KNEW it! (: lol thats awesome.

fozen yogurt with you and Han sounds soooo good right now...miss that!

p.s. my jaw DID drop. literally. such a man's lady! ;))

beka said...

Cup half full? Definitely!
I'm so jealous of the $8-an-hour barista job.
Barista! Awesome!
You're so cute. :)