Sunday, October 10, 2010

even big girls still need their daddy's sometimes

The most important thing to learn, is to live a life with no regret.
I went into Lowes today to get some stuff and it made me sad. Stores like that really remind me of my dad and make me miss him. I used to go into Home Depo and stuff with him and he would get so distracted by random tools and say "This is what I want for Christmas" as if I would actually remember.
My dad is one of the most important men in my life. He always made me feel like I was good enough. That I was pretty enough and interesting, and just super captivating. He always tells me that I will make a great wife some day. He would sit out in the garage with me for hours and just talk to me like an adult, he never nagged me or anything. He always encourages me to dream and follow through with them. He tries to coach me through guy problems and give me advice, maybe should have taken some of his advice. He yells at the TV with me during football games, and would snuggle me when I was feeling lame. I love the way that when something was bad enough that it made me cry he would genuinely ask me what was wrong. He is the best sort of man. Any guy interested in marrying me has some big shoes to fill. I just thank God all the time that my dad is here. I couldn't imagine life without a dad.


beka said...

Okay, dear.
You made me cry.
This is so sweet.

p.s. Awww.
Love the pictures:)


girl, you are the luckiest!(: