Saturday, November 27, 2010

eating and downloading some tunes

Im on lunch right now. I was supposed to work 4 hours but had to pick up my managers shift because she has some sort of sinus infection so now it's 8 hours. Poor thing. This is how I get my calories. A $1 bagel and a cup of something. I made our team Jacob drink today with a shot of espresso. Pretty much it is a cafe au lait with a flavor shot and and espresso shot. That is really all I have to say.


beka said...

Team Jacob drink??? Sounds intriguing.
I like espresso.
Only had it alone about 3 times in my life so far, but it's better than I had imagined.
Mmmmm. Bagels!!

Hanna said...

The americanos that you love (and rightfully so) are made with espresso shots and water. Thats why they are so good. SO you have espresso all the time, just with a fancier name! :]
Oh and the team jacob drink is a twilight special thing. It is for the stores release party.:]