Tuesday, January 18, 2011

another abrupt ending

*Today I made the most yet in tips. I made a 11 dollars and some change! Career for me!
  * Then, I ate pasta.
     In class we practiced giving each other vaccines, or rather injecting each other with saline. It is very nerve racking. It is especially tough when you are handed this HUGE needle and told to do an intra-muscular injection, so you ask "how far in should I push the needle?" (A good question right?)
 All you hear for a reply is... "Just push it in nice and fast..."
That is all! That is in no way an answer. At one point I went to push it into my partner's (Manaal) arm, it was a total fail. The needle just stopped about a half a centimeter in.  Right as I realize that the whole thing is not working, the whole class goes from talking to each other and ignoring me to randomly watching me! (so awkward, and it made me really nervous) So I pulled it out and got a new needle, re-cleaned the spot on her arm and tried again. The second time was a success.
         After class I went out to Buffalo Wild Wings with two class mates , JC and Clayton. GOOD TIMES!
    The girl took our order and somehow managed to loose it between our booth and the kitchen. Then an hour later she comes to the table and asks us what we want to eat. hahaha
 We did get our wings in the end, and since it is Tues the wings were only 40 cents each.
     Tues night BWW night may become a weekly event. :]
   Todays themes are:
    #scooter driving
    #good tips
    #Beers (not for me of course, just the boys)

     I just really feel like reading, more than typing.

1 comment:

beka said...

OMG, I could NOT do that intra-muscular needle thing!
Brave girl, you are.
Haha, reading moods are good:)