Monday, February 14, 2011

I feel more blessed than depressed on Valentines Day.

Please tell me that you love this as much as I do??
              LOVE Simon and Garfunkel, which I'm sure everyone in the world already new!!!

 Now that we are being honest about things, I really don't care at all about Valentines Day. Like at all either way. I will be possibly the weirdest and most un-conventional girlfriend/wife. 
    I worked a 3 hour shift tonight. SO uneventful. I love working though; just getting out of the house is enough for me, and instead of having to spend money I get paid to be out and about. :]

   This is a picture of the place that I go Salsa dance at with my way cute friend Shekinah. :]
 Speaking of Shekinah... This is her fretting over which cookies she truly wished to consume.
She turned right as I took the picture and caught me. haha
We actually ended up with a bag of Cheeseburger flavored Combos and a KitKat bar.
The Cheeseburger Combos were a bit heavy on the pickles.
We are a bad influence on each other. All we ever want to do it eat. haha

              On sunday we passed out the truffles that we had made and boxed and had people pre-order. 


                                                            Clayton and Manaal.
                                               Me and Clayton. 
                                                          This is most definitely my bad side. :/
                                               We figured out a final design for our Mission Medic T-shirts on Sunday!
                                                 Great news right!?


.Trudi Sissons said...

Who couldn't LOVE Simon and Garfunkel - the Bridge over Troubled Waters was the first song I ever waltzed to with a boy - I was 12. I remember it as though it were yesterday.

Hanna! Guess what? Yup. 5, count them, 5 amazing butterflies were waiting for me when I came home on Saturday. The feathers! The sweet Josiah, Micah and Lilly flutterbies! And from UAE! The first from Dubai!

Thank you so so much. I photographed them all today and will be posting them on Friday. If you send me your email address - I'll also send you the update and a link.

Thank you thank you - I look forward to reading your blog once I get caught up! But - yum on the kit kat and what a great looking group of people!!


beka said...

i love that song!
hmmmm. getting out of the house--that's what i totally need today. the past few hours have been way too frustrating. my, my....

Hanna said...

oh Beka, poor thing. GO out definitely, wear some heels and order some fancy coffee like a vanilla latte or a chai tea latte (breve of course).
I hope your day looks up!