Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm not sure if you had a chance to notice, but not only did I make a page for my Ireland Adventure, but I  also added to it just the other day. I also hope to finish typing it up over the next few days. I have off until Friday.

 Tonight in class we talked about things pertaining to eyes and ears. After lecture we went to the Vineyard clinic and practiced looking at each others eardrums . It was a good time. I found out that my ear canal curves upward (which is not normal). In fact the PA that taught us tonight said that she has never seen an ear like mine before. Maybe that explains why I seem to mis-hear things so often.

          I must say that I truly enjoy after class wing-night with my class mates. It was Shekinah, Clayton and I tonight. It is always a good time.
    We always end up having some really interesting conversations.     I am a fan of thought provoking people.
We got on the topic of the opposites attracting. We went as far as to imagine what it would have been like had my "opposite" been sitting at the table with us, and we all decided that we are not a fan of him and the awkward things that come about because of him. hahaha     We then tried to figure out if Clayton would be better with his equal of opposite, the verdict was that Clayton himself is too balanced to have an opposite. Just wait till you meet Clayton and then you will understand.

Some other things we noted is that there seems to be a corilation between how often a person moves and how long of an attention span a person has when it comes to movies. Here are the stats.

 Person moves frequently while growing up (once every1-2 years)= will watch 1 movie occasionally (this would be like Shekinah)

Person moves occasionally while growing up (once every 2-5 years)= Will watch a movie more frequently, 
can make it through long movies like Pride and Prejudice (BBC) and LOTR extended.
(This is my stat)

People who are born and raised in one area= are huge fans of all day movie marathons, and honestly love movies. (this would be Clayton)

I know this seems utterly ridiculous, but my experience confirms it. I can think of Many examples.

   As usual, tonight I talked probably way too much, and most likely said some utterly ridiculous things, but I don't care. I am happy and that is all that matters.  :]
   I was thinking tonight though, about how much I miss Josh (thehindenburg) and his ridiculous ways! I need to find more Irish blood here.

 I'm sorry for how random my thoughts are. I am forgetting how to spell even as I type.
My mom also has a new post on her blog. I just added the post a few minutes ago, it is from an email she sent out.

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2
    I wonder if I have ever made coffee for an angel?  I hope I get to!


beka said...

coffee for an angel? i have no doubt:)

hmm. that's interesting about moving/movies....true in my case. sort of. it depends on the movie;)


Me and Josh were just talking about that verse the other day...changes your perspective of strangers a bit. i hope God sends an angel your way, dear.