Saturday, April 30, 2011

Big brave girl

Last night while out Salsa dancing, Filmon asked me if I was shy. HAHAHHAHAHA
Me shy??? That is funny.
If I was before I certainly am not very shy now.
It is hard getting me to shut up most of the time.
I'm sorry about how badly I am neglecting blogging. I am just .
sidetrack by so many things. I have been busy the last few days, between work, my last day of class, and random other muses.
I did finish my mission medic class on Tuesday. Some of the class left Thursday night for Zimbabwe.

I also have started organizing and packing. I have a pile in one corner of my room that is apartment stuff, a giant suitcase in the middle of the floor that is for Dubia, and one small little pile for Ecuador. HOOORAY!!!
Now I just need boxes.

Alyee and I are getting so excited about moving in together. We went thrifting the other day and bought some cups, and just got to know each other better. It was a great time. I really think that Alyee and I will have a great time as room-mates. :]
I also managed to buy a french press for 5 dollars the other day. BRILLIANT!!!!

I have to leave for work in  a half hour, right now I am multi-tasking. Stretching and reading. hehehe

1 comment:

beka said...

ahh thrifting and buying cups? love!
so, after dubai you're going back to oregon or what? room-mating with alyee...when?
i just was thinking about sending you that painting sometime. :) maybe if you could email me a small list of where you'll be when in the next 2 months, and include the sending address you want it at. haha.