Saturday, April 16, 2011

tired feet

I don't know what has happened, but after salsa tonight my legs are very tired and achy. Oh man!!
Today, Shekinah and I fixed my scooter. Remember when I was talking about failing miserably at trying before? Well we were able to fix it. :]
It required us to take off some of the body on the front of it and tighten a bolt that was terribly hard to reach. We had to improvise a bit, but we figured it out. :]
To celebrate we hit up U-Swirl and got some frozen yogurt. :]
Tonight at work I got the best compliment. One of the regulars found out that I am going to be leaving there in a few weeks (to go to Dubai) and I am not planning on coming back to the coffee shop after. He told me that he is sad to hear I am leaving because I "make the place.". Umm wow compliment much???
SO flattering.

Salsa dancing tonight was un-eventful. I was so out of it, and I can still smell the alcohol that was on some of the guys breath, and it has been hours. GAG!!!!
It was fun though, and I got to dance with some REALLY good guys who had never asked me before. One is really really good, and I just love his energy and excitement, the other I had never seen before but he was amazing.  It was fun.
I am glad to be home and snuggled into bed now. I have to work in a few hours so I had best get to bed.

Thanks for being you!!!!


beka said...

i BET you make the place, love.

Joshbdev said...

Donald Millers Twitter
Getting some work done. Sky is kinda not as cloudy. Weepies spinning madly on. Lucy's wanting to fetch.

Hanna said...

Josh, I don't understand