Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dubai-Jumeirah- Wild Wadi Waterpark

Today doesn't have much for pictures. I am sorry.
I woke up feeling terrible! My nose was running, my head ached, and my ears hurt terribly. 
My Dad leaves for Saudi Arabia tomorrow so he wanted to go out and do something today.
It was 45 degrees outside today so he suggested Wild Wadi Water-park.
After taking some Acetaminophen to relieve my headache we headed out. Just him and I.
 I naturally didn't bring my camera because it is a water park.
I need to buy a waterproof camera.
Check out Wild Wadi for yourself.

 We went on all the slides, and hung out in the wave pool a bit.
I went on the giant free fall slide, the Jumeirah Sceirah. I was always too afraid to go on those sorts before so I figured I would be brave and go on it this time. I was terribly disappointed. I had to close my eyes through the whole things because of water getting into it, and then I got a dreadful wedgie, and then it was done. Note to self; bring goggles next time.
I wish I had brought my camera because the park was located right by the Burj Al-Arab.
This Hotel is a 7-star hotel.
 It is also located right off the beach.
As you climb the lines to the slides you get to take in a view of the beach, or a view of the Burj Al-Arab, and in the distance you could see building skylines through the sandy haze.
It was truly lovely.
Maybe in the future I will buy a waterproof camera, and take it to Wild Wadi's again.
I got alot of sun though, and thankfully I faithfully put sunblock on. If I had not I would not doubt be re-living my Puerto-Rico lobster ordeal.

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