Friday, May 27, 2011

Dubai- Sister is coming!

My sister should be here very soon. 
Her plane is bound to land within the next hour!
So very excited!!!
I cannot wait to squeeze her face!!!
The days have gotten so very hot. 
Today, I slept until about noon and shuffled downstairs right after the rest of the household 
(aside from my dad
had crawl'n  up stairs to nap.
Before you think that I am just the laziest person in the world for sleeping in so late I need you to know that I have stayed up late the last few nights. My mom asked my to do some art work for her while here and I am sad to admit that I put it off until late in my trip. I have been working on it late once the babies are in bed because working on things like that is very hard with 4 adorable little ones (all under the age of 6) running around the house.
I also prefer a quiet environment to be creative in.
There must have been a number of nights last year where my parents tried to go to bed upstairs as I squeaked my way through Fiddler on The Roof songs on my violin. 
Got to love parents!
  Anyway, back to today.
My dad recommend I go on an adventure if I felt up to it seeing as how I have only a few days left here. 
I thought about it, but I only see my family so often, and I have adventures by myself all the time.
I sat in the garage with my dad for a while and just talked about.... i don't know...a bit of everything, as he

worked on some wood toys he is making. 
 The garage is not air conditioned so it didn't take long for us to get very hot.
We walked to the pool, and my mom followed a bit later. 
We spent a good amount of time at the pool. We would stay in the water until our bodies got used to the water temperature, then we would get out until we were hot and then hop back into the water. 
Oh the simple pleasures in life. 

We had a typical meal here.
Some sort of meat and some rice, served with some sort of Arabic flatbread on the side.
I am going to greatly miss the bread once I leave. 
I am so excited for my sister to get here that I can hardly stand it!!!!!!!


Joshbdev said...

Loving all the pictures!

beka said...

the workshop looks cool:)
hah, i know about art late in the night!
quiet, mhmmm. LOVE!