Saturday, July 30, 2011

Where do I go from here?

So I finished the posts on Ecuador, as you see, and now find myself not knowing what to share next.
I don't know how much to share, how often to share, or anything really.

How am I doing these days?

You know that scene in Lord of the Rings (Return of the King) when all the hobbits finally return to the Shire after the ring has been destroyed? You watch them hobbits as they try and to go back to life. TO enjoy the things they once loved, and to live the life they once lived. But how do you just go back to it??
That is kind of how I find myself right now. My life has been crazy recently. Though I did not have nearly the adventures that the hobbits obviously did, I still feel that feeling of how do I re-adjust?
How do I live settle here again?

Since being back things have been a bit crazy, but yet not at the same time. There has been alot of those "hurry up and wait moments" which I am not very good at.
Alot of things happened right after I got home from Ecuador and I should probably share those with everybody soon.
Sorry for all of this. Please just bare with me.
I have not completely forgotten about all of you.
OH I should post a copy of the letter that I sent out to all of my dear supporters and friends upon returning home.
Yes! I will post that.


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