Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I made an effort to buy a camera before leaving the States and have managed to forget it or something crucial to its operation on all the important days.

Last Sunday and Monday Andres and I spent at the beach.
AFter church on Sunday morning he and I took the subway to the bus station which was a 40 min ride, then took a bus for 2 or so hours.
It was on the bus that I went to take a picture and realized that I had no memory card. AHHHHH!!
We stayed at the house of his Uncle.
His uncle has a house near the beach and was so excited to have us stay.
We got there and upon greeting the hosuehold, were ushered out the back door where his Uncle was grilling a ridiculous amount of food.
Steak, Chicken, Fresh whole Shrimp, and whole fish.
We were served the usual rice with some sort of bean dish and then a huge plate of meat was set there too.
I had a hard time gettig the hang of eatting whole shrimp. The whole removing the head and the shell and tail on the shrimp was hard.
I tried to be a lady about it by using my spoon and knife but had a terrible time.
Andres's Uncle walked over and without using words directed me to drop the silverwear and use my fingers.
I ate so much food.
I then met another Uncle and Aunt who arrived along with a handfull of cousins.

I was sitting at the table with some family and Andres went into the house for something and one of his cousins asked me if I spoke Spanish. I then replied with "No hablo Espanol."
Then they laughed  and I corrected myself by saying "No hablo MUCHO Espanol."
then it all made sense to them. hahaha

Andres and I spent Monday at the beach, just he and I.
It was really nice.
We only spent a few hours there but by the time we got back to Andres's uncles house, I was as dark as Andres.

We were sad that we had to leave but we were exhausted.

Hopefully we will go to the beach again very soon and I will remember my camera and memory card. ha

1 comment:

beka said...

yes for pictures!!!

that dinner with the family sounded nice...and epic:D