Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Today was a great Thanksgiving.
It was Andres's day off.
We decided to go get his passport for him even though we woke up later than hoped.
He was hesitant to take me with him to get it. 
In order to get to the place you have to take a number of city buses.
Thus far I have traveled only via metra and longer distance buses.
The city buses are known to have thieves  and the Lord only knows what else. (the reason I did not take my camera.)
It put Andres even more at ease when we were waiting for the first bus and we heard a gun shot nearby.
No one even seemed to take notice.
The buses really were not a problem. 
We got to the needed building and had his passport within 30 minutes.
We went to a nearby shopping center and walked around.
We were able to get my anit-malarials  at a pharmacy there.
Instead of paying $30 for a months worth, I paid less than $7!!!!!!!

What else did I do to celebrate my Thanksgiving?
Bless this perfect boy of mine!
We ate a ridiculous amount of pasta for lunch.
Sat in a book store and looked at art books.
Watched Lord of the Rings together.
We sat in the hammock for a bit.
Wished on the first star we saw. [maybe A little sappy. I know.]
Then we finished off the night with street hamburgers and fruitilla (Strawberry) yogurt!

On the walk back to the house, with our hamburgers in hand, we told each other what we were thankful for.

It was a perfect day.
To top it all off, he and I both wore a yellow shirt today. 
To all my friends and family out there, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
I love you all!

1 comment:

beka said...

aw, you guys are the cutest. kinda approve.