Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Here comes the moment..

when everyone says "Oh my goodness Hanna! SERiously? You are crazy!"

I cannot believe I am about to do this again, and honestly I am not sure that I am entirely ready.
In 3 weeks I am leaving Ecuador to go to Dubai.
I know I just got here right!?
I am still very much in love with Ecuador, but the way things worked out with my visa when I got here, and how a few other things have worked out it worked out that I am going to Dubai for the Holidays.
Also, lets not forget about my trip to Africa in Jan/Feb.
The good news is that my boy is going with me to Dubai.
We  told his parents last night.
At first they were concerned about visas and things of that nature.
We explained everything to them and then showed them the tickets.
His Mom almost fainted when she saw them.
She was so shocked.

Being honest though, every time we tell his parents that we have news for them
it tends to be shocking news.

We had a talk with a while back in which we told them that we decided together that this is truly a serious relationship.
Nether of us are viewing this as a casual relationship at all.
Then we are telling them that we are going to Dubai.
I told Andres today that I think it is interesting that just as I am starting to get comfortable here, I am leaving again.
I am comfortable on the bus and Subway even if it means cramming myself into the subway car that is so full that the doors almost do not close and it smells like week old Indian food that has been left in the sun.
To tell you the truth, I actually love taking the subway.
I am comfortable greeting people and sitting with a group of people who are speaking only Spanish.
I am learning what sort of things are important to take with you every time you lea
ve the house, and what things are irrelevant. 
I love love love the food.
I don't care if we eat rice with every meal, it never seems to get old.
I am learning which cookies are the best, which ice cream is best.
The best places to get hamburgers, yogurt, and empanadas.
I am starting to feel at home here.
I know we will be Dubai long enough that I will be comfortable there and then we will come back here. hahaha

Now that I just threw all this at you, I think  I will go to bed.

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