Thursday, November 10, 2011

How do you even begin to explain a language that makes no sense?
Last night I was sitting in the hammock with the mother of Andres and she was going over English phrases with me.
She would say "Sing" then "Cantar".
and if she did not know a word in English she would say it in Spanish and I would try to translate it.

Some things in English sentence structure make no sense.
Here is something that I did not know how to explain.
"I am going to worship God."
"I am going to pray to God."
Why do we say "Pray to God" and not also "worship to God"?
I did not know how to explain that one to her.

I need to figure out ways of explaining these things and soon.

Last night I also met the oldest Brother of Andres.
I had met his brother Josue and I am sharing a room with his twin sister.
I really love this family. They are so crazy which makes me feel right at home except that I only understand about half of what they are saying, especially when they start talking really really fast.

The good news is that my body seems to be  having no trouble at all with any of the food yet.

One of my favorite things to eat here (and I will try to duplicate it in the States) are the street hamburgers.
There is a street vendor near the house here and you can get a hamburger with everything on it for $1.50.
These hamburgers are made of the meat, naturally.
Then it is topped with a slice of ham, some bacon, cheese, a fried egg, cucumbers, lettuce, tomato, Onion, Mayo, ketchup and mustard.
It is without a doubt the best hamburger ever!

If you come to visit, I will buy you a hamburger and some yogurt.

The food served in the house is excellent as well.
We eat rice with every meal and a lot of it.
My family here (this is how I will refer to them now) learned quickly that I do not eat like an Ecuadorian and always give me much smaller helpings.
It is always the joke that they will point to a loaded plate of food and tell me that it is my plate. :]
   I feel so well fed, and so loved.
Whenever the family is home I will walk into the room of Andres's parents and his Mom, Angela, will immediately make room for me to snuggle with her on the bed and watch tv with them.

I hope that soon my family can meet my family here.
That will be great!
I think I am going to take a nap now. 
Maybe I will actually remember to take my camera places and share some pictures.


beka said...

that hamburger sounds aaawesome!
much love! sounds like you're having the best time there:)

Jessica Erhart said...

I love how your english sentence structure seems more spanish now than english-hehehe "the mother of Andres" instead of Andres' mother:)

You have no idea how excited I was to see a new post...can we please make a skype date soon? i beg of you!!!!

<3 love and miss you, my dear!

Hanna said...

Jessica, just name the day. Afternoons are a really good time for me right now.

Jessica Erhart said...

how about monday afternoon?

Jessica Erhart said...

scratch that...-actually friday afternoon?

Hanna said...

Friday afternoon is perfect. What time? If I am not there it is because my internet is wonky

Jessica Erhart said...

2 o'clock:]
i'll be counting down the minutes!