Saturday, December 3, 2011


I love when people come over to the house here and we are all sitting at the table, and they ask my parents here if I speak Spanish, and I just sit there are awkward hearing everything that they say about me.
At first it was (in Spanish) "This is the girlfriend of Carlos Andres, She doesn't speak or understand any Spanish." which was only part true because I understood what they were saying.
Now it is "this is the serious girlfriend of Carlos Andres, she understands Spanish but doesn't speak.".
Always interesting to listen in but not be able to speak. 
When I am tired I seem to be able to speak it without thinking.
This morning the momma came into the room and woke me up and was talking to me in Spanish, and in my half awake state I spoke one sentence in English and the next in Spanish. 

I have a feeling that I will get to Dubai and start speaking Spanish with my family, or not have the ability to speak very good English.
After I listen to Spanish for a few straight hours I try to make English flow like Spanish and it ends up sounding like crazy jibberish.
So funny.
Andres laughs so hard at me.

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