Saturday, January 7, 2012

I'm not ready for it to be the new year.

Not ready for my life to be all over the place again.
Not ready to have to start a new job with new people and new everything.
Not ready to start school at a new place.
Not ready to learn my way around new roads.
Not ready to learn my way around a new kitchen's cupboards. 
Not ready to learn a new phone number and address.
Just not ready.
In the last 16 months I have lived in 3 different countries that speak 3 different official languages.
I have lived in 5 different houses (some of them for only a matter of weeks but still had to up-pack and re-pack).
I have met so many new people that I cannot even begin to remember.
I have spent more time in airports and on airplanes then I like to admit.
I am tired of running and moving, yet the opportunity of settling down is scaring me senseless.

My hopes for this new year is 
that I can simply find a place to 
call home for at least a little while.
Long enough for me to find some good friends, 
good places to eat,
where things are located in the kitchen,
and the stores with the best sales.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Hanna! God is doing some crazy things with you. Try to enjoy the ride! :) You will do great things no matter where you end up living, as long as you do them unto Him. Be brave! Be strong! Stay open! You have lots of family and friends pulling for you and praying for you. Take lots of pictures and post often - we want to share this journey with you :) <3