Thursday, January 12, 2012

Silly lady

Lilly and I had a funny talk the other day.
She and I were alone in the kitchen.
My mom went out with Josiah and Andres.
Everyone else was napping.
I had just made some mac-n-cheese for Lilly and I.
She sat on the counter and I at a bar stool.
I thought it would be funny to pick her brain a little and see what she was thinking about life.
Being almost 6 and all I figure she would have some ideas worth hearing.
I asked her when she thought she wanted to get married?
She told me that she wanted to get married when she was a grown up "like 17 maybe.".
I then asked her what sort of man she wanted to marry.
"Someone like Baba, or someone more like Daddy maybe?"
She then said VERY seriously
"Baba is married to Grandma and Daddy is married to Mommy!"
I then explained what I meant.
She then says" maybe I want to marry someone like you."
"like me? what do you mean?"

She says, "Someone like Andres maybe."
Then she proceeds to tell me that maybe she wants to marry Andres himself, once she turns 17 of course.
Then I said, "what if I wanted to marry Andres?"
And she told me that I need to start looking for someone else because she was going to marry him.
She then made sure to add," You can still love him though!"

When I asked her why she likes Andres so much she said "Because he plays games with me, and he likes to snuggle."
Seems like a pretty legit reason to me.


beka said...

hah!! that's too cute :)


dfewfhefklafd she makes my heart melt.