Monday, July 22, 2013

I know that it's not Thanksgiving yet, but I must say.

Feeling very grateful for my Grandparents these days.
(Maybe it is the homework I am avoiding that is prompting me to write these words, or maybe not. )
 Growing up  we always lived a distance from them and I was not able to see them often or develop a very close relationship with them. 
I have now been living with my Grandma in her Green bay house and have been able to develop a relationship with her. My grandpa has been around a lot as well and we have had a lot of opportunities to go have small adventures together and have some late night talks about pretty controversial issues.
I am just feeling so grateful for the life lesson they have been teaching me, all of the support they have given me, and especially for all of the ridiculous things they say that make me about fall over laughing.
I don't have words to truly describe how much it means to have this relationship with them at this point in my life.
I am thankful beyond words. 
I am not ashamed to say that I really love my family!

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