Friday, October 11, 2013

Oh life....

I've really been wanting to get back into blogging lately. I can't seem to figure out where to start. With so much change happening over such a short amount of time, I am not sure how much to share or with how much detail. I also feel that I cannot blog the same way as I did in the past because it is no longer just my story. It is now the story of Andres and I and our new journey together.
Let me try to fill you in.
 Lets see....... where to begin.
     Andres finally received his visa. After months of paper work, stress, skype dating, waiting, and one ridiculously expensive ticket later Andres arrived.
     I arrived at the airport an hour early, after enduring a day that crawled by at the slowest possible rate. I had no way to find out if he made it through immigrations alright and if he even made it onto his connecting flight into WI.
I was wearing the famous purple dress from the day we started dating. I saw him come down the steps to baggage claim.
It felt weird to hug him again.  His scent was unfamiliar.
It all didn't feel real.
 It felt un-natural to hold his hand again.
 I had to un-lock the passenger side door to my car. This door had been locked almost consistently since I bought the car in January. I had to put my purse in the back seat rather than the passenger seat.
I had to give him a tour of the home I had lived in for months.
I had to cook dinner for more than one person.
I got to say good night to him in person rather than via text or skype.

The next few days were a transition. It took getting used to.
I had to coordinate schedules and get him moved in.

Life got very busy after.
I was finishing up my quarter at school.
I started coaching 3 different levels rather than just one.
I was spending my weekends all over the place.
One weekend was my bachelorette party, the next we went camping.
We spent weekends up north working on wedding planning.
We spent weekends with friends here.
We spent a weekend in Chicago with Josh and Amber celebrating weddings.

Finally it was our turn. We had our courthouse wedding.
It was at noon, on a Thursday. It lasted about 10 minutes. My grandparents, great-grandma, and mother were our witnesses. My sister celebrated with us after.
I went to work a few hours after.

Then was our ceremony. The day was colder than hoped for, yet the wedding was perfect.
So many beautiful faces. So many friends that I had missed. So many laughs, and so much dancing.

I just started another quarter at school. We are working on the next round of visa papers.
I am working 2 jobs. I just started working as a barista here in town. I love it!!!
Andres is helping build a room in the basement.
Life is crazy busy and I'm not really sure how to slow down. I'm not sure what areas of my life to cut back on. I'm not sure what to not do.

I feel that the weeks just fly by and I fight to fit as much in as possible. Hopefully soon I will find a balance and things will settle down.

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