Tuesday, January 21, 2014

This quarter in school I am enrolled in an English Composition class.
I always thought I was an "ok" writer. Being forced to write papers that are graded on my ability to follow a grading rubric and based on my grammar rather than content is very frustrating. So far, at this school, I have felt that classes were very informative, but none of them particularly hard or frustrating. Two weeks into this quarter and I am not sure what to do about this English class. How can it be so hard to write in a language that you grew up speaking and writing?

 Seeing as how I am required to write for this course, I have decided instead that I would rather procrastinate and write on this here blag that no person seems to read. I cannot blame anybody considering that I seldom post here anyways.
I am wondering if I should just start a new blog. I am in a new season of my life. I am kind of a grown up now.  I am nearing the end at this college. I am getting close to having a "grown up person" job.
I'm sure I will figure something out, and possibly start working on it while I should be writing papers. Oh the life of a student!

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