Sunday, September 7, 2014

Spiders, Snakes, and Savannah...

It's 11:30 pm. Andres is happily asleep just a few feet away from me, but sleep is not an option for me. I knew hours ago that it would not be an option. Sleep has been rough ever since the spider incident.
Oh..... you don't know about the spider incident? ohh....... well please take a seat. Let me tell you......
So it all started one afternoon. I was downstairs trying to settle into our temporary living space, which happens to be a basement. Andres was outside doing some yard. I was minding my own bee's wax when I look over and on the brick wall, just mere feet away from me was a HUGE, BLACK, SPIDER!!! Not just the kind of spider where you get the "eeby-jeebies", squish it, and get on with life. It was the kind of spider that you only ever see from the other side of glass at a pet store, or a zoo. I let out a scream so loud that Andres heard it from outside and came running to the nearest window. My nephew, Josiah, heard me from upstairs and called "I'm coming Aunt Hanna. Just let me grab a shoe!". TO which I replied " I think this is an Andres sized spider! Thank though sweetie!".
Once Andres got inside I told him that I wanted that spider dead, and I needed to see its corpse! (We all know how guys like to just let it go outside, or they let it fall behind some furniture and call it good.)
SO anyways, since then I do not sleep well. 
Then it got worse. Last night while Andres and I were out picking up a dresser, my family apparently found a copper head snake out in the yard. Yeah, you know, no big deal. I mean, it is just a POISONOUS COPPER HEAD SNAKE!!! Needless to say, I had nightmares about snakes last night. Dreams in which bricks started coming out of the walls allowing for snakes to enter.

Then when you thought the story could end, it doesn't.  Tonight, while I was calmly getting ready to shower, I saw a gross little centipede just strolling along the bathroom floor. It was one of those fat bodied ones that looks like a fat worm with a million legs! AHHHH NIGHTMARE!! I screamed and called for Andres, who all things considered, took way too long to come to my rescue.
There was one more giant spider encounter tonight, but honestly, I am sure you get the picture. Girl spots spider. Girl screams and jumps up onto the couch. Macho husband springs to action. Woman gets angry that Husband's choice weapon is her soft moccasins. Husband murders spider. Wife does not sleep, but instead writes blog.

This has been the hardest part about this move. I am living in the middle of some 70 acres or something like that. There are chickens, ducks, dogs, snakes, armadillos, and HUGE BUGS!!!! I am from the mid-west. We don't have bugs this big where I am from. We just don't.

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