Monday, April 27, 2009


I was thinking about how people say that there is nothing more attractive then a confident girl. What is confidence? I mean really think about it..........are you thinking?
what would you call it?
is it just feeling good in the skin that you are in?
Is it feeling attractive?
I know so many girls who try to appear confident and together thinking that it will make them seem confident.It always seems to make them seem more pompous then anything.I am coming to realize that confidence is merely passion.

For example, you can see two girls walk by you in the hall, and both have some thing that makes them stand out from the average girl. One of them you look at and think "wow, she is trying way to hard to stand out and be noticed."Then there is the other girl who you look at with a sort of mystery and you wonder what it is about her that makes her able to pull it off? You know that she does i because it is just who she is and she doesn't have to think about it at all.I have concluded that...It's all about the passion.

I have friends that I would say are very confident. they don't do things just because other people do it, they are simply unique. They don't go against the grain just in order to be different and rebels.It is just them at there essence.They are so confident in their likes and dislikes and no matter how weird you find some of the things they like, you just can't really find a way to cut them down for it. You know it would be to no avail because that's just who they are.

It is something that I have been working on for a while now. I like what i like. I don't care if people think I'm weird and crazy.I don't care if they think I'm loud, or they think that the fact that I like Irish music and Folk music is stupid.
My faith in God is also the MOST important thing in my life, I have a taste of the plan He has for me and I will not put it aside for anything. It is that good. :]
I don't care if Brady Quinn himself comes out of no where and proposes marriage to me, unless he is willing to join me in God's work, I want nothing to do with him. It's just who I am.

That's not to say that I always feel confident. There are times when I feel very un-interesting, and it shatters my confidence completely.
I feel inadequate and average, but then I remember why God made me and that I am comparing myself to other people or an unrealistic standard I set for myself, [Stupid Heena] and the sad thing is that most of the people that I worry about being confident around don't have what I have.(no I'm not being cocky, just bear with me) They don't have the relationship with God that I have, they have probably never heard of the incredible love that a relationship with Christ produces.
When remembering that how can you not be confident and feel amazing. So I would say, the key to confidence is knowing who you are on all levels.

Outside : who you appear to be. How you choose to dress, and do your hair and your hygiene habits. (they say more about you then you want to admit, but really how often do you judge people by what they are wearing? my case stands)

Inside: What makes your heart beat faster?What do you deem as really important?What will you give anything to see happen and come true?What do you think about yourself and your purpose on earth?Why do you make the decisions that you make? Are you doing it to impress other people or because you want to and think it will be best?

In Christ: Big one!Why do you believe what you believe?
How serious are you about living your life for Him?
Do you do things to bring God glory or is it for you?Do you try and constantly love as Christ would want you to?
Is your relationship with God foremost in your life and do you make decisions that will grow that relationship?
Find yourself in these areas, and embrace those things that make you
God made you different for a reason.
It's not to be recognized and elevated above people who aren't quite as interesting, or who don't quite get it like you do.
Rather you were made different in order to bless other people with your unique gifts and abilities and to bring God pleasure and happiness.
He loves our many different ways of seeing the world He created for us. He loves to see what we make of circumstances and situations.
He loves to see how far we take the natural talents we have and how hard we work at other things that come alittle less naturally. I get excited just thinking about it. God loves my loud crazy personality so much that He always wants to be with me. :]
That's just awesome to me.I hope this made sense and didn't flit all over too much. :]
It is 1:34 in the morning so I have a slight excuse. :]
Have character and embrace who you are...It will give you that confidence. :]

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