Sunday, April 26, 2009

maybe we don't want to be found

This is my first blog on here. I hope to transfer my blogs from facebook and xanga onto here once I have more time.
I have spent the last two hours or so replying to an extremely long email, yet I only made it hal way through.

I decided about a year ago that it would be grand to record one story a day about something funny that happened to me that day. I would write it in a note book each night before bed. Like most good ideas, this lasted for a few months, and the entries got fewer and far between, not to mention vague. I figure that since I am on-line daily this will have a better chance at sticking.
I also type faster than I write which will help me in recording my odd thought tangents (whether anyone will be able to keep up with them or not is an entirely different story.)

I've decided that blogging is a step above facebook. Im not sure why this is so, but it makes sense to me and a few other people I have talked to.
I asked a few friends about some ideas as to what I should name this blog.
Here are some ideas.

1.when the stars wink
2.(blast Bella said something cute as an idea and it seems I lost it)
It was something like
"the everyday life and events of Hanna Coffey" (but coming from Bella it was naturally much cuter then that.)
3 Confessions of a coffeycake
4.Making my life story a must read

Then I decided on "My barefoot journey"
In light of the fact that this is my second day I have gone not wearing shoes.
This even included walking around a college campus barefoot. Yes, inside and outside of building.

Well this has been a completely pointless entry, but I am too tired to elaborate. Though today had been a very eventful day.



Eliza C. said...

Thoughts from someones mind are never pointless, they are a window into the wish could be lost and never found.. I like the Barefoot Journey, its very you! well night love

beka said...

Hmm. Me likes this first post....those were some pretty great choices to name your blog!!