Thursday, June 11, 2009

sincerity? is that even an option?

Is anyone real anymore.
Why does it seem that everyone I meet is putting up a front.
Lately I don't know who I can believe anymore.
I try to be completely honest with everyone, I know all the time.
Why does nobody else feel the need to be honest.
I can't think of any circumstance in which it was better to lie to someone.

The people I thought I could believe in and trust have turned out to be the opposite of what they claim.
Men that I thought to be incredibly godly are sleeping around or into porn or something of the sort.
Women I thought were interesting and smart and just great women wind up being cantankerous, bitter, back-biting, lying women.

I am so upset about this that I am not even sure what to say about this.
I just wish there were more honest people in the world.
People who thought before they acted or spoke.

This is without a doubt the worst blog entry ever, and I will probably delete it soon, ut I just had to get it out.

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