Friday, November 27, 2009

Today has been quite a day.
I'm not sure if it was a good day or a bad day.
I got like 12 hours of sleep last night. I woke up and found out right away that my Nana died this morning. :[
We knew it was going to happen anytime soon, she was 97 years old.
That is why we took a last minute trip out to California last month.
That bit of news was followed by the news that my sister in law was sent by her doctor to the hospital to have her baby.
I drove my brother to the hospital to be with his wife. I stayed a few minutes and then left.
I stopped at Jewel to get pics developed.
Once home I had the usual chores to do, I also had to babysit.
It is always something. I am always forced into some sort of work when I am home.
Then I met a friend for a movie. It was a good time aside from getting stuck behind a number of incompetent people on my way there almost making me late.

Once I got home I had to watch the babies while my parents went to see the new baby. The baby was born while i was in the movie. It is a baby boy. I don't really remember the details, No one really cares that much.. All you need to know is that it is a baby boy. He is healthy and looks like his brothers did when they were born.

I feed the children and listened to some Irish music with them before settling on the couch where they watched Sponge Bob and I tried to do school work.
After my parents got home and the babies went home with my brother, Honey got into the left over turkey from yesterday. Her tummy is SO huge right now. I can't help but laugh when I look at her. It is hard to punish her and seem mad when the sight of her makes me laugh so hard.
I am in the process of shunning her from my room as I type. She is whining at the door. I'm not sure when will be a good time to let her in. I really hope she is able to digest all that turkey and not have to throw it up in the middle of the night. I would really rather not deal with that all night.

Well I'm off to bed. Work in the morning. :]
Have a great weekend

11-27-09 We will all miss you Nana

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