Saturday, December 12, 2009

Oh what a night. :]

Amber and I decided that we are going to live in Wheaton for a summer in the future. So we got together and made a gingerbread replica of our Wheaton house. What a great night, It matched perfectly with most of the rest of the day. My morning was so stressful but thanks to my friend Suzie having my back it ended well. We had our first missions trip meeting today. I am so very excited for this trip. I can't wait to see what sort of things God does before, during, and after this trip.

I know that He is totally going to meet us there and do incredible things. We would all appreciate all the prayer we can get as we prepare to go, while we are there and once we are home.
I think I may start fasting and praying for this trip once a week.

Here are some pics of our "Wheaton House".

1 comment:


i love you! definitely looking forward to spending a summer in our Wheaton house together :D