Tuesday, April 6, 2010

currently listening to :Josiah Lemming.

not sleeping is a good time. ha!
I dont want to go to sleep, even though I realize that I have a math quiz in 8 hours. I'm really not too worried about it. My math professor is really good so I am not struggling in the class. Just about finished two of the 10 article reviews that I have to do for my human bio class. They are all due the 13th.
I was reading this one article, that I am doing a review about and it is about a worm infection that is a really big problem in certain countries. I want to say it is called the Guinea worm or something. AS I was reading the article II found it interesting that it is most common in Ghana (a place I may have an opportunity to visit in the near future) and Ethiopia (Where I hope to do missions work). Just interesting. Then I just noticed that last night I had a dream where I had some sort of worm parasite living in my body. It was really a nasty dream and I will spare you the details. In fact Im not sure why I am typing this now. Kind of crazy stuff huh? Eww just thinking back on that dream is grossing me out.

well that is all I can think about right now. Night

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