Friday, April 9, 2010

life is truly ironic

Im easily stalling on doing my bio homework right now.
I'm just sitting here thinking...which I do too much of.
I'm just thinking back over how many ironic conversations and moments I have had with people.
I am going to be pretty honest about this, and alot of you will know what I am talking about right away and some of you may not. But I guess you may learn a bit more about me and how I can actually being very symbolic in alot of the things I do. I'm not really sure who all reads this blog, so it could be interesting. ;)

I was ust looking at some pics on my myspace, since I have had my myspace so long it is funny to see what sort of pics I took over the last few years and deemed importance to. I found this one:
Autumn leaves  (July) 2008

This photo had so many meanings linked to it. I titled the photo "autumn leaves"
This is actually a play on words, alot of my friends will get that one. This is also the same time that i started wearing the tribal beads. In honor of this person.
I actually sketched a photo like this that I took just moments later.I titled the sketch "Tall shoes? soon."
tall shoes? soon!
I entered it in the fair, and placed with it. The person behind the inspiration behind this photo has actually seen the sketch and remarked on it. It is ironic how this person saw the sketch and had no idea.
That is the funny thing about art, the person viewing it may get one impression from the piece but there may be much more behind it really.

Then there is this situation where I had a series of dreams about a person. (I still do dream about them actually, or they are in my dream for about a second or too)
I can't figure out for sure why I dream about them. I really don't know.
I am scared to tell them though because I don't know how that convo would go. The irony in that is that this person and I have had conversations about dreams, and prophetic dreams and gifts. I still didn't tell them though.

I just can't believe how much I talk in riddles.
I look back on facebook statuses and laugh.
Times that I felt like a third wheel and actually put down statuses like " you can call me the third wheel, because without me we wouldn't be a tricycle"

Sounds like a rap song if you ask me. haha

It's almost as ironic about talking with another person about how lonely you are. ha

Or my dream about having the weird parasite worm , then finding out that Ghana and Ethiopia have a health concern with Guinea Worn disease. The crazy thing is that in the dream I was babysitting while trying to get rid of this worm. And I want to medical missions work in Ethiopia, and maybe if I am done with school when I go to Ghana I will be doing that there too.
I still can't decide if there is a connection there or not.

Some ironic things I can't figure out if they were truly ironic or if they were a bit more planned out than I realized.

Maybe when I think of more of these things I will post them. It is just interesting to think about how ironic life truly is.

Next time you look at someones art work regardless of what media they use, think that there may be something ironic about the fact that you are looking at it. ;)

Haha this is truly ironic. haha

1 comment:

beka said...

I like that "third wheel" part. :p
Have a lovely night, dear:)