Friday, May 21, 2010

This time last year I was gearing up for Ireland!

what do you think of the new header? Man I miss that place. :/
It still needs a bit more fixing but my computer is being really slow and i need to get to bed. I work in 7 1/2 hours. I have quite a day ahead of me.
Btw I realized how lame I am being with a name like "Barefoot journey" why have I not shared any of my trips journal accounts on here? This must change. Tomorrow I am going to try and remember to start typing out my journal from Ireland. It will be as a sort of one year anniversary thing.


beka said...

Oh, I'd love to read about your trips:)
Hmm. The header is pretty, though very wide...
But I'm looking forward to your posts dear!

Anonymous said...

I love the header, and how big it is! Ireland is just the greatest.


beautiful header. keep it :)