Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bogie award..

A long time back My dear friend Beka nominated me for the "Bogie award".. Thought I should finally accept and full fill the given duties. Haha

The instructions for this award are to say where I want to be in 10 years time, and then award 10 other awesome bloggers with the same award.
Rather than send it to 10 other bloggers I am going to give it to anyone who faithfully reads this blog. (esp those who don't blog on their own, maybe now they will get one)

Ten years from now????
Oh man.... that seems far away. I have many ideas of where I would like to be but I have never ended up in the place I had anticipated to be.

My desires from now until ten years from now include: having finished my missions training and have traveled to every continent in the world.
To be bilingual at least (hopefully multilingual)
To work in Ethiopia, Ghana, and some south American Countries.
To write down the testimonies of the important people in my life as well as the stories of those I work with on the missions field.
TO work with Rafiki and or Voice of the Martyrs.
To have an even more intimate relationship with my Savior.
To walk with Him and enjoy Him.
To be bold and step out when He asks me to.
To do what Jesus commanded us, to heal the sick, cast out demons, love everyone, and share the good news.
I have always wanted to own a Coffee shop and sell things made by people in third world countries and send a majority of the proceeds back to these less fortunate beautiful people (that is only if I can't be living there with them)
To marry a man in the ministry and partner with him in the Lord's work.

I suppose I am a dreamer. But God gave me a piece of His place for me and a piece of His heart for people, and I have great hopes for where He will take me.

1 comment:

Nina said...

I love your dreams and how you hope to glorify the Almighty God. I see the road ahead of you very interesting. It will be very curvy. Like the road between the Waterfall hills and Grandpa's house. Your road will intersect with many other God ordained roads. The people you meet will intrigue you to say the least. As you pass through each of the curves, God will ask you to sacrifice for Him. Each sacrifice will be more difficult and painful than the previous one. Yet, you will obey and know that He is preparing you for the next goal in life. As the apostle Paul said, "I count it all for joy." Through all of the sacrifice you will experience great joy and pleasure. It may take years for each of these dreams to be met,yet God knows the perfect time for each advance and adventure. You never know, the man who wishes to have you by his side, and will lead you with love, may have the very powerful ministry of clearing the way before you and your family so that you can serve and love others. Be patient and trust. God loves all of mankind and He knows that you want to hold them all in your hands and love them too.
It will be fun to watch you go through the next few years. Waiting to see who and what God places in your life and to see the perfecting work that He will do in you.