Saturday, September 11, 2010

the problem with being a dreamer..

The problem with being a dreamer is that at points in your life you can't tell if you are dreaming or not. When you don't know if you are dreaming or awake you have no idea how much effort you should really put into something. I can't believe where i am right now. I am sitting on a couch in a living room of a person that I have known for only a little over a week. I walk outside and see mountains. I have a scooter parked in the garage, and I am reading text books on being an EMT. WHAT!!???!?!?!
Can't even believe this.
But not all dreams are good. There is bad in the good.
I was out at starbucks this morning and then went to Hobby Lobby when Brenda called me asking if I was home. Her mom pushed her EMS button so the ambulance was on its way to the house. I ruched home to find the ambulance and a fire engine here. THey were all in the garage and Jean (brenda's mom) was on the floor of the garage. Poor woman!
They took her away to the ER for x-rays. She fractured and dis-placed her hip. I feel bad that I wasn't here. Not that I could have done anything but still.
Reminded me that I can't wait to be an EMT.

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