Sunday, September 12, 2010

I'll have to come back to this...

A friend of mine is doing this thing this year where she is trying 18 new things.
I didn't intend to do this, but I was thinking about what my list would look like this year if I were putting together a list of new things i have done this year. Instead of starting it at my birthday I am going to look back to the beginning of 2010.

1. Went on a missions trip.
2.learned a new instrument (violin)
3.tried Thai food and Puerto Rican food for the first time
4. Moved across country by myself
5.gave a prophetic word to a total un expecting stranger
6.prayed for someone on the verge of dying and saw them recover.
7.drove a scooter
8.Had my legs waxed
9.Hand rolled a cigarette (not for myself mind you)

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