Monday, September 20, 2010

today has been a good day.

So here is a lo down on the rest of my day.
On my way home from my interview I stopped off at a gas station to fill up my scooter and put air in the tires.
I noticed Baby driving rough and I noticed the air pressure seemed a bit low.
So I pulled up to the air thing, got my change out to fill the air thing, before putting money in I thought I would use what air was left in the hose, Turns out it was enough to fill my front tire. SO I didn't have to pay for air. Then I went to fill up the gas tank.
$2.70 something later I had a full tank. (<< one of the amazing reasons to own a scooter) Then I came home and finished my EMT reading. I didn't have a car tonight so I had to take Baby to school. IT only takes like 10 min for me to drive to my school. So I left at 4:40 or so and got to school quite a bit before 5. I had to be there at 5 to do my Health Care Provider CPR. This is usually supposed to take 2 hours to complete. 45 minutes after getting to school, I was done with my CPR including the written test. (which I got 100% on btw) I told the instructor that I knew all the stuff before, and he asked me if I was sure I didn't have my health care CPR and I told him I didn't. I couldn't believe that I remembered all the stuff. The rate numbers and ratio numbers and all the steps. Then class started. I seriously love my class. It is so fun. My teacher is hilarious. It is so fun to hear him explain things. Today he brought in a gournee and some stretchers for us to play with. Then he showed us how to use the suction device, as well as inserting an OPA (Oralpharyngeal airway) and a NPA (Nasopharyngeal airway).

Super cool stuff.


Class got out a bit after 10. Luckly I had randomly brought a hoodie along with the jacket that I keep in my scooter for when I am driving. I wore both on the way home, and even with the hoodie and jacket I started shivering half way home. So tomorrow I am wearing the warmest sweater I can find and I'm bringing gloves. :]

Tomorrow we get to do skills. So we get to practice loading people in and out of the ambulance and putting them on dif spine boards and such. As well as inserting OPAs and NPAs.
I am so excited.

I am starting to feel more at home. Hopefully I don't have trouble sleeping tonight.

1 comment:

Jessica Erhart said...

Girl, I am so proud of you w/your CPR memory skills..and so jealous of you too;] Keep us all updated!
I love my Heena♥