Friday, October 15, 2010

Worked 9 hours today. It was a long day. I like the shifts that get done before 6 though. ALot of older people come in and they are super cute, and tip pretty well.
Lets see, one guy winked at me today. Then I made one lady's day because I made a heart out of chocolate drizzle on the top of her mocha frappe. <3

It was a very long day though, esp. after working 8 hours yesterday.
After work Brenda and I picked AMber up at the airport. :]
Amber and I went and ate at Five Guys. It was an amazing burger. No lie. I have never seen AMber eat so fast either. great great food. We then went to Hastings (2 hours after I got off work there and left) and I showed her the beauty that is Hastings. :]
WE rented a movie, and got a dirty chai .

We just got done touching up my hair color.
I love that she is here. Can she stay please. Hopefully I will remember to bring my camera around so I can post pics soon.



can i please stay?!? forever.

beka said...

five guys sounds really good.... :) never been there before (i know, horror of horrors:)