Saturday, December 18, 2010

36 degrees and sunny...

With a blanket of snow on the ground.   I am hoping that like the Idaho saying goes "wait five minutes and it will melt" I will be able to drive Baby to work on  a snowless road.
I'm feeling much better today.

Last night I rode baby to work and when I got off at 7 to go home, Baby didn't want to start. It took way longer than it should have to get her to start. I absolutely hate winter and am beginning to feel like all the things that felt so promising when I first got here are proving to just be illusions getting picked up and thrown to the ground in the winter wind.     Maybe I am just being dramatic because my entire family except my sister and I go to Dubai in 2 days. I also have a bit over a week to be ready for my school finals. SO MUCH TO STUDY!
 I am going over the skills sheets and I am so nervous about missing little things. Oh well, "I'll figure it out." is what everyone always says and it is more or less a true statement. It just sounds so much easier than it is.

 Last night some "Christmas Elves" dropped off a tree at our front door along with a bag full of ornaments and lights. I guess santa caught word of our tree-less house.
I got a text from a random number telling me to check out my front door.
  Brenda can't handle surprises and stole my phone to call the number. She thinks she knows who it is, and I think I do too, but I preferred the surprise of it all. Silly lady.
      I know things like Christmas trees are small but they really can brighten a place up. I was squealing like a little girl. Everyone did seem to get a bit excited though, ESPECIALLY ME!!!!!
So we decorated the tree and it looks pretty great.

 I put some of the Chinese lanterns that I bought in China Town Chicago on the tree along with a Dubai camel. :]

And what happened then? Well, in Whoville they say that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day. ;)


beka said...

Snow is an object lesson in trudging through the worst of the journey in the firm belief there is a lodge waiting on the other side with a warm fire, a robe and slippers and some hot cider.
[Brad Stine]

Ah, yes. Winter.
You're looking more chipper in that picture, honey! Hope you're feeling better:)

Jessica Erhart said...

Ah pretty lady. My dog misses you, david misses you, and I miss you most of all! I must plan on coming out there on spring break;]
Your tree looks spectacular!
Who did that?!? hahaa;]