Thursday, December 16, 2010

Today was not a complete waste, it wasn't a a productive day though either.I slept almost the entire day away. No joke. I also got some studying done, but not nearly enough. I have this problem when it comes to school. When I am caught up I get lazy and don't work as hard, and if I get behind, I get overwhelmed and don't work as hard either.
 I'm having trouble finding a balance. I have 12 days until my finals........and I have over 100 pages of reading to do. OH MAN!

 It is just so hard to study when you are sick.
Tomorrow I jump back into work, with a 7 and a half hour day. Should be a good time. Needless to say I will be  keeping up on the Advil cold and sinus as well as some zip fizz. HOORAY!

 Brenda and I are also going to go talk with her  insurance guy soon about a policy for baby and hopefully something that will allow me to drive her truck. Totally appreciate Brenda.

 Good night.
 Going to finish my chapter on Infants and Children, then go night night.

1 comment:

beka said...

It's hard to do ANYTHING well when you're sick. :P
night, dear!