Thursday, December 9, 2010

Best part about being home

I finally got to see the babies today. I brought along my stethoscope so I got to practice listening to children's lung sounds and heart beats. I also got to find all their pulses.

^^^^he wanted me to listen to his foot. I knew I wasn't going to find anything, but who am I to deny these babies? I don't think I could deny them anything.

Taking LIlly's Radial pulse. I think it was 120 per/min
Then I tried her brachial pulse. I found it on the other babies too, but didn't get pics of it.
Then I taught the babies to listen to peoples hearts. It looks like Siah is just reaching down my shirt, but he is listening to my heart beat.

Lilly told me that my heart was saying it was hungry. That is not a good thing for a heart to say. She said it was hungry for fruit snacks. I guess fruit snacks are good for the heart.

Then she assessed her daddy's heart beat.

Then we relaxed with a game of scrabble. Look at our fantastic spelling abilities.


beka said...

Hhaha, I love scrabble!
Gosh, Siah's getting so big!! My goodness:)


you look SOO happy with your babies!! cutefest twenty ten!