Monday, December 20, 2010

Some days I just shouldn't talk

Today at work I said that stupidest thing. I was working with another barista who is training (Stephanie) and I was ringing up a customer. As i was ringing her up I kept catching my hands on things and cutting them, so I said "I'm gonna kill myself today." (I think you get what I was trying to say)
 Then I realized what I said and was like "I mean I'm just cutting myself."
 I meant to say that I was cutting myself so much today, and somehow was hoping to make it more dramatic to say that it was going to lead to the death of me. Instead I sounded like a suicidal barista with self harming tendencies. GREAT!


beka said...

Oh dang. :P
Well, Monday was sooo not my day either...had several brain spazzes that normally do not happen. Ugh.
Ah well. Hope your rep is okay after that line! Heh!

Jessica Erhart said...

Dear Jessica (note to self):
move out to Boise, so you can witness more of these glorious moments that Hanna provides:]
p.s. bring a giant gummy bear and drive there when I leave;]

Hanna said...

when should I expect you jessica??