Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Today was super good

I opened at work this morn, thus at  5:30 I was stumbling down the stairs to prepare the french press for coffee.
  I got to work at 6 and opened the cafe. This morning actually went pretty fast. I cleaned for the first hour or so though. I cleaned everything I could think to clean, I even cleaned the lights.
After work I  went to go get my license stuff taken care of, I drove all the way there and realized that I didn't have m stars card to get my motorcycle endorsement. SO I drove to Gem state gymnastics and picked up my paychecks from when I was working there. (btw I can't remember if I mentioned that I quit the coaching job)
 Then I went to a clinic down the road and got my 2nd varicella booster. That was not a cheap visit. I should be getting a check from my insurance though. It may not sound like much, but those were important things I needed to get done.
I napped for an hour or so and then went to class. I went through my skills sheets and that only took me like an hour, then we kind of hung around and talked and quizzed each other on random things.  I'm feeling really good about my tests. I think I may also look into getting an EMS job, even if I have to start with volunteering. I need a car first. I really think it would be an awesome thing to do.
    I am feeling much less overwhelmed. I feel like I can actually take care of things for the most part. THe only thing I have yet to figure out is how I am getting to work on Christmas Eve day. Looks like I may be walking. It is about a 2 mile walk. I can totally do that.

1 comment:

beka said...

Can you believe...I've never had coffee from a french press? and when I someday invest in a decent one, I'm gonna have to YOuTube how to use it. ;) Hhahaha